How to clean indoor air
In the UK, we spend on average 90% of our time indoors, where air pollution is typically 2-5x worse than outdoors.
After you read this article, the first thing that you will probably decide to do is open a window. The main reason that air quality is worse indoors is due to poor ventilation. The good news is that air pollution is now at its lowest level in a decade, and so you should be making the most of it and getting some good clean air flowing through your home.
Air pollution affects all of us. It slowly but surely degrades our respiratory system, thereby undermining our ability to fight back against infection and illness.
Cleaning products, fresh paint, new furniture and plastic toys release damaging toxins into the air, which are then breathed in by some of the most vulnerable members of society.
800,000 deaths per year in Europe are caused by air pollution – more than smoking.
In the short-term, poor air quality results in reduced energy levels. As well as nasal congestion, headaches and dizziness. It is also the leading cause of the rapid rise in asthma rates.
Children’s bedrooms often have the poorest air quality
Shockingly, research has shown the worst air quality in the home is usually found in children’s bedrooms.
Due to a combination of cleaning products, new furniture, fresh paint and plastic toys. These release potentially damaging toxins into the air, which are breathed in by the most vulnerable and precious members of our families.
Importantly, schools are also now trying to improve their indoor air quality. A central London school with poor air quality, found that by painting a classroom with Airlite’s air purifying paint, it had a 95% lower NO2 concentration than the classroom next door.
Poor air quality will re-emerge post-lockdown
As lockdowns become less frequent, many of us will find ourselves looking back wistfully to a time when the skies were blissfully free from aeroplanes, and the dawn chorus was not constantly drowned out by the unceasing roar of traffic. We shall also mourn the loss of walks in noticeably fresher, cleaner air. Sadly, as we have already seen in China, the high levels of air pollution will return.
The passing of air pollution legislation and actions taken by responsible corporations have helped spur the conversation about the need to clean up the atmosphere. Meanwhile, we must manage indoor sources of air pollution and start thinking about the ways in which we can actively clean the air in our homes and workplaces.
There are a wide variety of electric air purifiers available on the market, and you now have the option of putting air-purifying paint on your walls.
NASA has published a list of the best air cleaning plants. There are a multitude of electric air purifiers on the market and now even the possibility of having air purifying paint on your walls.
Written by Tom Faggionato, Chief Operating Office, Airlite and published in the Respiratory Health campaign with Health Awareness:
Airlite is an air purifying, anti-bacterial paint made with 100% natural materials. Airlite requires no electricity, makes no noise and it works for as long as the paint is on the walls. Used by Grosvenor Estate, Bouygues, Mercedes-Benz and Kensington Palace. AirliteHome launches this summer.
Airlite: Cleaner Air, Safer Surfaces, Greener Planet.
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Article by Airlite: Read original here
Partner Content: Airlite
Paint my Home by Bell has been a supporter of Airlite since their new technology arrived in the UK. This is not just paint. Their unique technology brings many benefits to your living wellness including being antipollution, antibacterial, antimould, self cleaning, antiodour & energy saving. We are excited to be working with Airlite to help bring their painting service to homes across the country.